Exhibition by Frédéric Ducout
Galerie Frangulyan – 105, rue Quincampoix 75003 Paris
From Thursday 7 until Saturday 16 September 2017 – from 3 pm to 7 pm (closed Sunday and Monday)
Frédéric Ducout is fond of Architects, interior designers and decorators. He knows them, and for years he has been tracking them down as a voyeur and a photogenic detailer for the international media. This is what we call a ‘pro’. But behind these frozen photographs, these formal reports, these organized representations, who is there? «Let’s go further,» said Fred to himself, agitating consciences, a disinterested person, a decoder of interiors! He must absolutely juggle with the hombres, go towards more spontaneity, equanimity, even if he forces the line; To pass through the affect, to avoid melancholy, to reject fear: to run on the razor’s thread of derision of oneself.
But to cross the narcissistic bubble, would not it be a good tactic to plunge into it? Frederic is a strategist. It is by amplifying the mirrors of his models that he will eventually suggest rupture; By deepening the powers and faws, by updating what undoubtedly infuences the consistent work of those who have agreed to play the game of this photographic introspection. It was then that the desired encounter emerged. It was also by this cross-involvement, by this playful and supposedly shifted theatricality that the personalities finally staged by themselves, over and above all desire for recognition and heavy avidity, were intensely revealed. To stimulate the excess in order to let go, was the feline approach of this photographer in search of meaning; available to fix the unexpected, the chance, the visible as much as the imperceptible. These portraits are the fruit of the involvement of both parties, these complicities having avoided the trap of simple and banal representations. To take the risk of counterfeiting oneself is for Frederic the major asset of a liberation of the ego, of a real reconciliation with oneself, with the other, without any value judgment. The sensation of the repetitive, the social and measured preoccupation of his daily work as an image-taker, finally unpredictably led him to this open-mindedness, this search for special saving sincerity, this creativity less impermeable to the strangeness that it arouses here those whom it aims at its intrusive and tender gaze.
Frédéric Ducout is a transversal mediator, a trans-social traveler in search of human panoramas; the spacecraft tool. Here he gives us 18 travel stories through his most expertly revealed landscapes.
PORTRAITS : Agnés COMAR, Alidad, Diana BALACHOVA, Christine BEKAERT, Christophe GOLLUT, François CATROUX, Hilton Mc CONNICO, Hilary LANCASTER, Giovanni MALLERBA DI BUSCA, Ilia SOLOGUBOVSKI, Jean ODDES, Jean-Michel COSNUA, Lionel JADOT, Ligia CASANOVA, Pascal ALLAMAN, Roméo SOZZI, Sergei EFIMOV, Tarfa SALAM